Using food trucks for catered events is cost-effective and offers flexibility in location. They provide a variety of unique cuisines and create a fun, interactive experience for guests.


To reserve a food truck or food stall vendor, complete a Food Truck Usage Form at least 30 days prior to the event. All requests will be submitted to Georgia Tech Dining Services for approval.

Approved Food Truck Vendors

List of Approved Food Trucks:



Once you have determined the food truck you would like to use, complete the form below.


Unapproved Food Truck Vendor Process

We do allow food trucks on campus for events that have not be pre-approved through Tech Dining. Please see the process below for that:

  1. You will be invoiced from each supplier individually.
  1. Please get a quote and the agreement from the truck you are interested in using.  Procurement will review the agreement and request an E-Verify affidavit and Certificate of Insurance (COI).  Based on the agreement, there may be additional coverage we will require; however, procurement will cross-reference with the Director of Assets and Insurance to make sure everything is good to go.
  1. You will have to provide a reason for why this truck has to be used over the pre-approved food truck vendors.
  2. You will have to work directly with the truck on availability.
  3. You will have to schedule truck to be inspected by GT Fire & Safety Department.


        Once you have everything for steps 1-3, complete the form below. After submitting the form, please submit the Quote, Agreement, E-verify Affidavit, and COI to


        Steps 4 and 5 can be completed after you receive approval from Tech Dining.


        Food Truck Request Form

        Is this an approved food truck?

        Who is paying?

        11 + 3 =

        Food Truck
        Food Truck
        Food Truck
        Food Truck